Graduate School

Educational Goals and Policies

Educational Goals

  1. 01Flexible thinking backed by a basic understanding of a wide range of natural sciences
  2. 02A keen intuition for nature and the ability to make accurate judgments
  3. 03Contributing to society with a background in science

The aim of the department is to develop students who can contribute to the future of humanity by advancing the field of bioscience, based on the educational aims of TUAT and the Graduate School of Science. Understanding the complexity of life is a major challenge for the future. The scope of life science extends to the molecular, cellular, individual and ecosystem levels, and its development is related to the survival of mankind. In order to understand the essence of life, the program will be taught by leading researchers in a wide range of fields who will provide both basic and advanced lectures and guidance in research activities and presentations. Through these activities, graduate students acquire academic knowledge, scientific and logical thinking skills, and methodology. Research is a creative activity, and students are encouraged to develop creativity and communication skills. The educational objective of the Department of Biomedical Sciences is to foster students who will become outstanding researchers and leaders in basic student science research both in Japan and abroad, and who will be able to contribute internationally in a wide range of fields such as research, technology development, and education in academia and industry.

In addition to a deep understanding of the field of life science, we aim to produce students with a broad perspective, rich academic knowledge, and sound critical knowledge, who will be internationally active not only in the field of life science, but also in a wide range of other fields. For this purpose, we aim to nurture not only knowledge of one's own specialty but also of a wide range of scientific fields, the ability to discern the essence of various fields, the disposition to generate one's own research, the ability to design one's own research, the ability to conduct reliable research, internationality, cooperativeness, and the ability to communicate effectively.

Educational Programs

  • A well-developed graduate education program

    The TUAT is a university with a strong educational program. The graduate school education program is designed to enable graduates to demonstrate their abilities in any situation, for example, in corporate research laboratories, graduate schools and other research institutions.

    We hope that you will absorb knowledge in your field of specialization through the seminars and careful guidance you will receive.
    You can also learn a wide range of knowledge outside your field of specialization through the graduate school curriculum. In the Advanced Biological Sciences course, faculty members belonging to all research groups in the Department of Biological Sciences teach graduate courses in Japanese or English.

  • International Programs

    As a unique program of the Department of International Programs, a joint seminar is held once a year with National Tsing Hua University, where faculty members and graduate students engage in academic exchange through research presentations. This seminar is a credit for Special Lecture VII in Biology.

    NTHU-OU Symposium on Biological and Medical Sciences

    The international exchange between National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) and the Department of Biological Sciences in the Graduate School of Science of Osaka University, has a history of more than 20 years. Although in its nascent phase it was conducted on a small modest scale, it expanded gradually and is now held as an international student symposium with dozens of participants on both sides. The impact was so great that a double degree program between Osaka University and National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) was established based on the mutual trust between the faculty members which fostered through the international student symposium.

  • Special Integrated Science Course (SISC)

    About a dozen international students are enrolled in this course every year, and international and Japanese students study together in the laboratory while learning each other's language. There is also a one-month language training program at an overseas university for undergraduate students who wish to attend.

Student Support System

Students with motivation and ability in the Department of Biological Sciences are eligible for various types of financial support. In particular, the TA Teaching Assistant Program and RA Research Assistant Program are almost guaranteed upon application, and almost all graduate students use these programs to support their research life. Students entering the doctoral course are encouraged to formulate a solid research plan and apply for the next-generation Challenging Researchers Development Project and the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (DC1/DC2) Programs.

  • Next Generation Challenging Researchers Development Project (Doctoral Program)

  • JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1, DC2) (Doctoral Program)

  • RA Research Assistant System (Doctoral Program)

    RAs are paid a salary for their work in supporting research projects conducted by the university. The purpose of this system is to effectively promote research activities and foster the research promotion skills of young researchers, and most of the students in the doctoral course use this system.

  • TA Teaching Assistant System

    Assistants for undergraduate classes and practical training. The TAs provide valuable simulated experience for the graduate student when he or she becomes an educator in the future. The students will be paid from the beginning of the program.

  • Japan Student Services Organization (Master's and Doctoral Programs)

    Scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and other organizations are available. The university will provide much help in the application process.

  • Financial Support for Graduate School of Science Students (Links)


If you participate in the Osaka University Honor Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Information Sciences, the Osaka University Leading Program, or the Osaka University Fellowship, you will receive unique education according to each program while advancing your own research. In particular, there are abundant opportunities to study abroad and conduct research at companies and other laboratories, providing motivated students with an excellent opportunity for self-improvement. Since the program attracts highly motivated and talented students, the relationships that they cultivate will be a treasure for a lifetime. The fact that you have attended these programs is also highly valued by companies and other organizations. These programs also offer financial support in the form of benefits.

  • Honor Graduate Program in Science, Engineering, and Information Technology (Master's 2 years, and Doctoral program)

  • Doctoral Program in Supra-Regional Innovation (Master's and Doctoral Programs)

  • Interactive Materials Science and Cadet Program, Multidisciplinary Type (Materials) (Master's and Doctoral Programs, 5-year course)

  • Osaka University Fellowship (Doctoral Program)


Become a professional researcher! It works everywhere! We are committed to developing individuals who are capable of doing good work wherever they go after graduation. The Department of Biological Sciences offers two programs: a master's degree program followed by a doctoral degree program.

  • Going on to higher education

    1. 01

      Those who have completed the master's course and wish to further hone their research skills will continue their studies toward a doctoral degree (Ph.D.).

  • Earn a Doctor of Science degree

    1. 01

      D. degree is awarded to those who have completed a doctoral program leading to a Doctor of Science degree. D. degree is a license to work in a university or research institute in the future.

    2. 02

      You will have the opportunity to work in a research position at a university or other professional institution. It is almost impossible if you do not earn a PhD.

    3. 03

      You can also get a job in a company's research institute.

    4. 04

      For those who want to work in research in a more creative environment, please go on to the doctoral program to obtain a doctoral degree.

  • Find employment

    1. 01

      Some students leave for society after completing the two-year Master's program, where they find employment. More than 95% of them are employed by companies and other organizations.

    2. 02

      There are opportunities to work in corporate research institutes.

    3. 03

      Many of our graduates are working in corporate research institutes.

    Employment Results by Year

Graduate School Life

Annual Schedule

Master's Program Annual Schedule

    • April
    • December

    New Student Orientation

    • September

    M1 Interim Debriefing

    • August
    • February

    Presentation of Achievements (Degree Examination)

    • September
    • March

    Degree Conferral

Doctoral Program Annual Schedule

    • April
    • October

    New Student Orientation

    • May
    • August
    • November
    • February

    Presentation of Achievements (Degree Examination)

    • June
    • September
    • December
    • March

    Degree Conferral

    • March

    Interim Report Meeting for Enrolled Students

Life in the Graduate School, etc.

The winners of the Osaka University Graduate School of Science Outstanding Research Award and the Osaka University Women's Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award have constructed essays targeted towards the applicants wishing to enroll in the Department of Biological Sciences in the Graduate School of Science.

International Symposium

On January 18, 2024, an international symposium was held with National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan).

The Department of Research Landscape

Biosciences utilizes a variety of state-of-the-art equipments for research.




















  • 生物科学の基礎を身につけ、専門分野における最先端の知識を修得する能力、研究内容の本質を理解できる能力を身につけています。
  • 生物科学分野において課題を発見し、解決する方法を考える能力、信頼性の高い研究を行う能力を身につけています。


  • 広い分野で活躍できる基礎学力、洞察力、健全な批判力、研究者倫理、さらには異分野の人ともコミュニケーションできる高度な教養を身につけています。


  • 自身の研究分野について、英語で意思疎通を行うことができる語学力を身につけています。
  • 英語論文を読んで必要な知識を正確に身につける能力を持っています。


  • 文献やwebなどから必要な情報を見出し、自らの研究に生かす能力を持ちます。
  • 自らがアイデアを生み出し、科学的、論理的に適切な研究デザインを行う能力を持ちます。
  • データを正確にまとめ、論理的に伝える能力を持ちます。


  • 本質から考える力、独創的なアイデアを生み出す力、洞察力、研究における感性、仕事に対する情熱を高いレベルで持つことを目標とします。













⽣物科学専攻 博⼠課程(前期) カリキュラムマップ




















  • 生物科学専攻の専門分野における最先端の知識を修得して既知の知見に統合する能力、研究の本質を理解できる能力を身につけています。
  • 生物科学分野の最先端の専門知識を基盤とし、オリジナリティーが高く発展性のある研究テーマを開拓し、自立して研究が行える高度な研究能力を身につけています。


  • 広い分野で活躍できる基礎学力、洞察力、健全な批判力、研究者倫理、さらには異分野の人ともコミュニケーションできる高度な教養を身につけています。


  • 英語で自身の研究成果を発表でき、また英語で学術論文を作成できる語学力を身につけています。
  • 海外の研究者と研究に関する議論できる語学力を身につけ、海外の研究者にも刺激を与える能力を持っています。


  • 世界で次々と生み出される知識・技術のうち必要なものを迅速に見つけ、自らの研究に取り入れる能力を持ちます。
  • 自らがアイデアを生み出し、科学的、論理的に適切な研究デザインを行う能力、新たなプロジェクトを考える能力を持ちます。
  • チーム内外の研究者と協力して研究を行う能力を持っています。
  • 科学論文を作成する能力を持ちます。


  • 本質から考える力、独創的なアイデアを生み出す力、洞察力、研究における感性、仕事に対する情熱を高いレベルで持つことを目標とします。







さらには、海外で自身の研究成果を発表でき、英語で学術論文を作成でき、海外の研究者と研究に関する議論ができる語学力は研究室での活動、サイエンスコア、生物科学特別講義7、Current topics、高度国際性涵養教育科目等で身につけます。






⽣物科学専攻 博⼠課程(後期) カリキュラムマップ